Publication of Papers

The publication process of the papers accepted to the II. International Dede Korkut Educational Research Congress is as follows:

1. Publication of Congress Abstract Proceedings: The abstracts accepted to the II. International Dede Korkut Educational Research Congress will be published in the Abstract Proceedings Book with ISBN on the date to be announced on our website after the congress ends.

2. Publication of Congress Full Text Proceedings: The full-text papers of the authors who prefer to participate in the II. International Dede Korkut Educational Research Congress with full-text submission until ___________ will be published in the Full Text Proceedings Book with ISBN on the date to be announced on our website after the congress ends. (Participants who wish can only participate by sending the summary text. No obligation to submit full text.)

3. Publication of Papers as Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Participants who wish can send their papers accepted to the II. International Dede Korkut Educational Research Congress to the following journals for publication as an article after completing the editorial and refereeing processes, provided that they meet the relevant publication criteria:

Journal of Social Sciences in Theory and Practice (Hw Wilson)

Anatolian Journal of Language and Education (AJLE)

Journal of Bayburt Faculty of Education

Eurasian Journal of Teacher Education (EJTE)